A healthy lifestyle for 2011

When the holidays are over and all of the sweets and leftovers are gone, it’s an excellent opportunity to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few suggestions on how to initiate healthier lifestyle habits and, most importantly, stick with them throughout the coming year.mentbar.

A healthy diet should emphasize plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which are high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat and free of cholesterol. Exercise can also help with stress management – exercise five days a week for 20 minutes a session.  Incorporate relaxation techniques like deep breathing and mental imagery.

With the theme: “A Celebration of Health and Life”, Mayor Dahlia joined other participants not only for simultaneous aerobics but also for the on-site health perks like free blood sugar monitoring, ECG, bone scanning, flu vaccine and other health exercises.

Projects being promoted include everything from bike training in schools to voluntary cuts in salt and fat content by food manufacturers. It will be accompanied by the transfer of local public health directors from the NHS to local government.treating depression naturally.

The protection of the public health budget - the first time this has been done since the 1800s - is also considered essential because of the cuts councils are facing following October's Spending Review.